The maximum difference in diameter between fruit in the same package shall be limited to: 10 mm, if the diameter of the smallest fruit (as indicated on the package) is < 60 mm
The information should be used as a rough reference, and it is encouraged to contact directly the grower/vendor you purchase from to get accurate information about produce you order.
Look for fruit with peel color and texture that is characteristic of the particular variety. Avoid fruit with soft spots, water-soaked spots, or mold. Short-term storage recommendation (7 days or less) Maintain adequate air ventilation during storage.
To ensure uniformity in size, the range in size between produce in the same package shall not exceed: 10 mm, if the diameter of the smallest fruit (as indicated on the package) is < 60 mm
To measure fruit size and use the fruit size prediction model you need to measure the diameter of the fruit. It is a relatively simple task but can be time consuming and it has to be done correctly to give reliable results.
The citrus fruit must reach destination within 7 calendar days of the packing date, with day one being the packing date. When needed, adherence to this requirement will be determined by reviewing the labeled packing date and the shipping and receiving documents.
(1) "Diameter" means the greatest dimension measured at right angles to a line from stem to blossom end of the fruit. (d) In order to allow for variations incident to proper packing, not more than 5 percent of the samples in any lot may fail to meet the requirements for standard pack.
Mountain Mandarin standards must be higher than legal minimums. Fruit sold to distributors or most stores must meet standard pack regulations. That is: Defects in mandarin fruit are due to a number of factors. Some are beyond the control of growers, but others are the result of poor cultural practices.
In the supermarkets we usually find mandarins either in bags or nets of 1 or 2 kg, or loose units in boxes up to 15 kg to be selected by the consumer. The expanded polystyrene trays of 6 or 8 units are also usual.