Forced Displacement - World Bank Group
Jun 25, 2024 · Recognizing that most situations of forced displacement have become protracted, the World Bank Group emphasizes in its Strategy for Fragility, Conflict, and Violence the importance of taking, from the outset, a medium-term development perspective with a view to addressing the socioeconomic needs and aspirations of those forcibly displaced and their host …
Forced Displacement: A Growing Global Crisis FAQs - World Bank …
Forced displacement refers to situations of persons who leave or flee their homes due to conflict, violence, persecution and human rights violations. Globally, there are now almost 20 million refugees, and millions of internally displaced persons – and most are hosted in developing countries.Without a clear end in sight of the conflicts that ...
Climate Change Could Force Over 140 Million to ... - World Bank …
Mar 19, 2018 · The report, Groundswell – Preparing for Internal Climate Migration, is the first and most comprehensive study of its kind to focus on the nexus between slow-onset climate change impacts, internal migration patterns and, development in three developing regions of the world: Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America.
Global Migration in the 21st Century: Navigating the Impact of …
Dec 11, 2023 · A large body of research documents traditional factors driving migration like the vast disparities in wages between countries, but significant uncertainties remain. Three global forces in particular will shape migration in the 21 st century in …
Migration & Remittances Overview: Development news, research, …
Our portfolio on migration and forced displacement has experienced a sustained increase over the last decade, with 114 approved projects, most of them focusing on forced displacement settings in Africa East and West, the Middle East and North Africa, and South Asia., There is also an emerging focus on labor migration in East Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the …
Forced Displacement and Social Cohesion - World Bank Group
Mar 21, 2022 · Forced Migration, Social Cohesion and Conflict: The 2015 Refugee Inflow in Germany Labor Market Integration, Local Conditions and Inequalities: Evidence from Refugees in Switzerland Forced Displacement, Exposure to Conflict and Long-run Education and Income Inequality: Evidence from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Global Program on Forced Displacement (GPFD) - World Bank …
May 17, 2016 · The study sought to analyze the forced displacement and development nexus, explore the mixed migration phenomenon, assess the impacts of refugees and migrants on hosting areas and communities, identify ongoing innovative interventions, and propose entry points and practical steps to address the development dimensions of forced displacement and ...
Lack of Water Linked to 10 Percent of the Rise in Global Migration
Aug 23, 2021 · In the Middle East and North Africa, the region with the highest levels of forced displacement, water resilience is key to long-term growth WASHINGTON, August 23, 2021 – As climate change accelerates a global water crisis, rainfall variability is expected to be one of the contributing forces in migration, according to a new World Bank report ...
Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement (GDFD) Research …
Mar 29, 2022 · A Multi-Country Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty in Contexts of Forced Displacement; Multidimensional Poverty, Gender, and Forced Displacement: A Multi-Country, Intrahousehold Analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa. Blog: How new tools can more accurately measure the intersection of forced displacement, gender, and poverty
Going With The Flow: Water’s Role in Global Migration - World …
Aug 23, 2021 · The World Bank’s just-released flagship publication on water shows that it is a lack of water, rather than too much, that has a greater impact on migration. Ebb and Flow consists of two volumes. Water, Migration, and Development examines the link between water and migration, and the implications for economic development. It is based on ...