At a time of global crisis, human rights supporters must insist upon an approach based on radical care and true ...
Daniel Marin Lopez is a lawyer, political scientist, and a professor at Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia). He is currently a transdisciplinary PhD researcher at the National University of ...
En un momento de crisis mundial, los defensores de los derechos humanos deben insistir en un enfoque basado en la atención ...
En medio de los continuos actos de genocidio contra los palestinos y los ataques internacionales, la comunidad de derechos ...
Amid ongoing acts of genocide against Palestinians and international attacks, the rights community must examine how rights ...
Sheila Formento is the national coordinator of the Alternative Law Groups (ALG), a coalition of twenty legal resource NGOs in the Philippines that adhere to the principles and values of alternative or ...
En contextos políticos y sociales difíciles, los asistentes jurídicos comunitarios están empoderando a las comunidades, ...
Within challenging political and social contexts, community paralegals are empowering communities, exchanging stories, and ...
Grassroots environmental defenders are building a variety of strategic, community-based approaches to environmental justice. Global actors can do more to support their work.
Los defensores del medio ambiente de base están construyendo una serie de enfoques estratégicos y comunitarios para la ...
Otto Saki works with the Ford Foundation, supporting social justice leaders at the forefront of social change.