Patients relying on CeresMed South, one of Vermont’s first medical cannabis dispensaries, now must drive at least two hours for access to tax-free products ...
It was really heartbreaking for people, I think, after the flood, to not have the joy of the lake,” said Dylan Ford, Barnet’s selectboard chair.
The group, which is calling for policies to create “housing abundance” for Vermonters of all income levels, says it won’t take any money from developers.
It's my dream, one day, that the houses that we are building are open for our own community to live in, as well,” said Jose Ignacio De La Cruz, who helps construct housing.
Stories of mistaken identity and missing lawyers raise questions about the state judiciary’s increased reliance on videoconferencing for court hearings.
Possessed of a deep compassion and love of life, Cathy often said that "The world may not be fair, but I can make my part of the world fair." ...