In a major development, former Bollywood actor Mamta Kulkarni was expelled from the Kinnar Akhara on Friday. The decision comes days after her induction and elevation to the post of Mahamandaleshwar.
Bollywood actress Mamta Kulkarni has been thrown out from Kinnar Akhada by its founder Rishi Ajay Das over her controversial past. Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi has been expelled.
The Kinnar Akhada on Friday said it has expelled former Bollywood actor Mamta Kulkarni and her guru Laxmi Narayan Tripathi from the religious organization. The development comes amid controversial ...
The anointment of film actress Mamta Kulkarni as Mahamandeleshwar by Kinnar Akhara has caused internal disputes. Rishi Ajaydas, claiming to be the fou ...
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