The Super Mario Bros. Movie aired on Fuji TV on Tuesday, December 31 at 7:00 p.m. and earned a 4.1% rating. The live-action film adaptation of Akumi Agitogi 's My Happy Marriage light novel series ...
Shinkawa was born on July 26, 1955 in Tokyo. He was the music director for the Hi Fi Set backing band and for singer and ...
A recently released trailer for the proposed Mario vs. Sonic movie has led to a frenzy among fans, who have since questioned its legitimacy. The video finally puts Nintendo and SEGA's iconic mascots ...
Visitors to this year's Singapore Art Week are spoilt for choice, with more than 160 events and exhibitions to take in, from ...
Balloonerism is the seventh studio album by rapper and musician Mac Miller and the second posthumous LP released by his ...
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