Pakkay Dost, the beloved children's puppet show renowned for its captivating storytelling and emphasis on the Urdu language, is thrilled to announce their partnership with ConnectHear, as stated by ...
Interpreting and tech provider Sorenson Communications acquires AI startups Hand Talk and OmniBridge to support sign language ...
University of Surrey, University of Oxford, and University College London receive GBP 8.45m grant to create SignGPT.
January is National Mentoring Month, and having the right adult to turn to can make all the difference as a young person ...
Watch this emotional and beautiful moment as a girl sings with sign language for her deaf sister. This heartwarming ...
Learning another language can improve critical thinking, brain development, cultural sensitivity, and career development.
A woman who has been part of a deaf club in Hampshire for 76 years has said she will feel "lonely and lost" if it closes down ...
What’s it like teaching first, fifth and sixth graders all in one day? School librarian Jami Rhue shares her experience.
Springfield High School sign language teacher Arlon Nash was honored with the Ohio Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Individual Award, which recognizes people who have made significant contributions toward ...
As a Black Deaf academic leader who often lacks the societal access enjoyed by many on and off campus, I work tirelessly to integrate disability justice principles and neurodiversity materials on ...
Learning ASL is different from learning orally spoken and written languages. We've vetted the best ASL sites to help you start signing today. I've been contributing to PCMag since 2011 in a ...