Kareena Kapoor recently shared exclusive details with the police about the violent attack on her husband, Saif Ali Khan. She explained that the attacker was aggressive, and Saif tried to protect their ...
Actor Saif Ali Khan was admitted to the hospital and will be interrogated once he comes out of the ICU. Saif Ali Khan was ...
Kareena Kapoor gave a statement to the Mumbai Police, saying that she returned home at 1:40 AM after being out with her sister Karisma and Rhea Kapoor. Rhea's driver dropped them off at their home.
In a shocking incident, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, husband of Kareena Kapoor Khan, was reportedly attacked duri ...
Kareena Kapoor said the attacker was first seen in the younger son, Jeh's room by the house help who raised alarm ...