Excavations at Domus Aurea, the former imperial residence of Roman emperor Nero, have yielded remnants of the rare Egyptian ...
The discovery might illuminate the link between the blue pigment's ancient Egyptian roots and its rediscovery by Renaissance ...
During the Renaissance, artists rediscovered the frescoes of the Domus Aurea, drawing inspiration from them for their own works. One such example is Raphael’s The Triumph of Galatea, where Egyptian ...
The Domus Aurea was stripped of many of its fine decorations ... Some of the greatest Italian painters, among them Pinturicchio, Ghirlandaio, and Raphael, were lowered by ropes into openings ...
“The Domus Aurea once again moves [us] and restores ... A 2020 study, however, revealed that Italian Renaissance painter Raphael used the pigment in his 1512 fresco, Triumph of Galatea.
Othon, un des successeurs de Néron, fit voter par le Sénat en 69 un crédit de 50 millions de sesterces pour terminer les travaux de la Domus aurea). D’autres visiteurs célèbres y laissèrent leur ...