Sonic the Hedgehog 3" introduces a powerful addition to the colorful bunch — Shadow the Hedgehog (Keanu Reeves). The film focuses on Shadow’s backstory and sudden awakening after a 50-year stasis.
This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, Jean-Karlo can be found playing JRPGs, eating popcorn, watching v-tubers, and ...
That's what makes this movie so much fun. In this episode of Streamed & Screened, co-host and hardcore music and Dylan fan Terry Lipshetz discusses the film, so of the inconsistencies with reality and ...
While Hollywood studios came into 2024 with trepidation about the global box office, the year actually went out on a high, ...
On a quiet weekend in movie theaters, while much of Hollywood’s attention was on the wildfires that continue to rage in Los ...
Lionsgate's heist thriller sequel, starring Gerard Butler and O'Shea Jackson Jr., opens at No. 1 despite slow January weekend ...
On a quiet weekend in movie theaters, while much of Hollywood's attention was on the wildfires that continue to rage in Los ...
The Chinese box office saw “Octopus with Broken Arms” continue its dominance, grossing RMB76.6 million ($10.6 million) and ...
On a quiet weekend in movie theaters, while much of Hollywood’s attention was on the wildfires that continue to rage in Los ...
On a quiet weekend in movie theaters, while much of Hollywood's attention was on the wildfires, Lionsgate's "Den of Thieves 2 ...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 spent less time on human characters like Wade and Wachowskis, and it was arguably a better film than Sonic 2 as a result.