The story of Bob Marley's son, Rohan, extends far beyond his famous lineage. As a father to eight children, he has created a diverse and vibrant legacy reflecting his life and love journey. Rohan ...
It’s an irresistible set up for a four-parter, and one that throws up countless questions. How did this happen? What will they do now? And the one that eventually propels Playing Nice forward ...
Lauryn Hill and Rohan Marley welcomed their son YG Marley in 2001 Frazer Harrison/Getty ; Alexander Tamargo/Getty Lauryn Hill and Rohan Marley’s son, YG Marley, is continuing the family legacy.
If you've not come up with a New Year's resolution yet, then maybe consider staying in and watching more TV, because Netflix has a new series that's bound to have you hooked. Based on a book by author ...