In Tamil Nadu, Kaanum Pongal brought families to scenic spots, with Madurai's Alanganallur hosting the thrilling Jallikattu event, a highlight of the Pongal festival. The bull-taming sport, featuring ...
Alanganallur Jallikattu, Tamil Nadu's prestigious bull-taming event, concluded with the winning tamer subduing 20 bulls and Bahubali from Salem crowned the best one out of 989 competing bulls. Listen ...
People try to tame a bull as they participate in the Jallikattu event as part of Pongal celebrations, at Alanganallur in Tamil Nadu on Thursday. Photo: PTI Chennai: Scenic spots across Tamil Nadu ...
The renowned bull-taming sport, Jallikattu, continued to captivate spectators on its third day at Avaniyapuram in Madurai on Wednesday showcasing extraordinary muscle power and determination. Hundreds ...
Chennai, Jan 16 (IANS): Tamil Nadu Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin inaugurated the world-famous Alanganallur Jallikattu in Madurai on Thursday. Tamil Nadu Minister for Commerce and ...
As the world famous Alanganallur Jallikattu event attracts huge crowds, activists ask if the loss of lives remains a concern? Have safety measures helped change the realities.
The public were cheering and clicking pictures of the event on their mobile phones. In order to capture a bird’s eye view of the event some of the people used drones at Avaniapuram jallikattu.
“Most of these bulls are Jallikattu veterans,” he explains ... with people treating the bulls like celebrities, taking photos and even asking if they can touch them,” he laughs.
'Jallikattu festival', the famous centuries-old bull-taming tradition commenced on Tuesday (Jan 14) in Avaniyapuram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, marking the start of the south Indian state’s Pongal ...
Bull tamers compete fiercely at the Palamedu jallikattu event in Madurai, with over 200 bulls released so far. Participants and bull owners receive prizes like gold coins and bicycles. Medical ...
On Wednesday morning, the world-renowned Jallikattu event entered its second day in the Madurai district of Tamil Nadu. This three-day spectacle, hosted in Alanganallur, Palamedu, and Avaniyapuram, is ...