During the first cycle, Musoki lost eight chicks out of 150 chicks, which had diarrhoea. Despite this, she sold the remaining ...
The research team discovered that most antibiotic use decisions were made by the poultry companies and not by their farms.
Agricultural pollution in rivers has led to a halt on housing in areas along the border between England and Wales.
Thiong'o Gachie, a Laikipia farmer, is blending Black Soldier Fly (BSF) and cricket farming to promote sustainable ...
Sky 4 flew over the farm about 1:45 p.m. and saw one chicken house destroyed. Hollifield said track hoes and skid steers are helping with the fire. "We got water supply set up and we actually got ...
Price volatility is a well-documented feature in egg production. But when Ben Anthony and Diana Fairclough weighed up returns ...
Some readers say chickens are easy to raise and can be a money saver with egg prices soaring. Others complain about the noise and smell and worry about diseases like bird flu.
"Gold Shaw Farm is a dream in the making, nestled in Peacham, VT. Founded in 2016 by Morgan and Allison Gold, this 158-acre farm-in-progress is on a mission to become a thriving, regenerative ...
TARGAN’s Vice President Liz Turpin share her insight into how adopting feather sexing technology at the hatchery can help to ...
Eggs are nearly 40% more expensive now than they were a year ago, the Labor Department said this week. It’s about to get even ...
It took years for Webster Township, near Dexter in Washtenaw County, to settle on rules for farm animals on smaller lots. Not ...