The daughter of a murdered Cape Breton woman has been placed in the permanent care and custody of the province.
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Oregon’s fourth and eighth graders are struggling in key subjects more than students in most other states, a national assessment found.
New Hampshire is in the top 10% of states when it comes to fourth-grade and eighth-grade reading, according to the latest ...
Kids now don't have the joy for reading they once did, and teachers have changed the way they teach writing in the digital ...
Some educators argue that state tests don't do much more than evaluate students' ability to perform under pressure.
The city's post-pandemic results on the 'nation's report card' were a major topic at the district's second State of Schools ...
New results from a national exam find that America’s children have continued to lose ground on reading skills in the wake of ...
Bow, Bedford, Hopkinton, Merrimack, Nashua, Portsmouth, Souhegan, Trinity, and 8 other schools will compete in the NH PBS ...
The test, also known as the Nation’s Report Card, is administered to fourth and eighth grade students across the nation, ...
For the second time, Louisiana’s 4th graders led the nation in reading growth on the NAEP exam, a test given every two years ...
We’re not seeing the progress we need to regain the ground our students lost during the pandemic,” said Peggy Carr, commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, of the NAEP test ...