Test administrators determined that none of Colorado’s average score results represented a significant change from average ...
The nation's young people scored an average 5 points lower in reading than kids who tested before the COVID-19 pandemic in ...
The School District of Philadelphia reports some higher scores for third- through eighth-grade students, higher attendance and a lower dropout rate.
Kids now don't have the joy for reading they once did, and teachers have changed the way they teach writing in the digital ...
New Hampshire is in the top 10% of states when it comes to fourth-grade and eighth-grade reading, according to the latest ...
Virginia’s elementary and middle schoolers are making little-to-no progress in reading and math as many are still recovering in the aftermath of the pandemic.
Eight candidates are running for the Cedarburg School Board. They will face off in a primary Feb. 18 to decide who advances to the April 1 election.
US student test scores in reading and math remain below pre-pandemic levels as a worrying gap continues to widen between high ...
The large districts that receive separate NAEP scores recorded a mixed bag last year, but largely followed national trends.
Will multiple diploma options keep Detroit high school students on the path toward graduation? That’s the aim of ...
The superintendent championed a ‘back to basics’ approach to literacy, and eschewed the ‘shiny things’ that stand in the way ...