This is the third installment in a series of stories exploring memory disorders in the Chippewa Valley. In today’s installment, two women share their experiences of loss due to dementia and how music ...
Dementia currently affects millions of people around the world, and the disease is only becoming more prevalent. With no ...
Dr Joe, who is known as @drjoe_md on TikTok, has taken to social media to urge people to seek a diagnosis if they're worried ...
If your loved one experiences sudden cognitive decline, they may be experiencing a rare type of dementia called rapidly progressive dementia.
In the early stages of Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia, driving performance should be the determining factor, not the disease itself.
Visiting friends, attending parties and going to church may help keep your brain healthy, according to research conducted at Rush.The study , posted ...
An emergency room doctor has shared the 10 early warning signs you or a loved one might have developed Alzheimer's disease - as he urges people to visit their doctors ...
Prescribing physical activity to older adults reduces risk factors for chronic disease and improves functional independence, ...
Scientists have discovered a blood marker that could help identify people at risk of developing dementia long before they ...
In addition to the event, the Crowborough community can also visit a newly launched online advice hub. The hub includes ...
January has been Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and it’s been a time when many of us have had to take a hard look at this ever growing and highly misunderstood disease.
Dear Concerned, Most doctors agree that people with moderate to severe dementia should never get behind the wheel, but in the early stages of Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia, driving ...