Renowned Mumbai-based flautist Pandit Ronu Majumdar made history by leading an extraordinary symphony of 546 musicians at the ...
The master conductor on his lifelong mission to make classical music accessible to all, and his new behind-the-scenes ...
After 50 years, classical trio The Priests are saying goodbye after countless shows and album sales.
With a gentle wave of his baton and a heartfelt bow at the annual Christmas concerts for middle and high school students at ...
Award-winning classical musicians known as the Aoi Trio will be making their Maui debut in Castle Theater on Feb. 6 at 7:30 p ...
A group of young musicians in New York City have gotten together to form the Riwaya Ensemble featuring classical music by ...
Up and coming composer Dylan Conuel, 11, was tasked with scoring the stage play "Terra Nova" for a community theater ...
January: the most miserable month in the British calendar. It’s easy to succumb to the bleakness, to hunker down and ...
Dubai-based singers and two accomplished Indian musicians offer their insights into a style of music that acquired cult ...
Bill Wilkinson, who spent decades teaching music in Longmont-area schools, died on Dec. 9. His service will be held Friday.
But when he realized his new home lacked a classical composers’ organization, he spearheaded the creation of a new one. In the 15 years since then, Cascadia Composers has thrived, growing into one of ...
It seems like no matter what environment we find ourselves in, music is always welcome. In middle school, I set my record ...