Emnet består av fagområdene alminnelig forvaltningsrett (13 stp.), velferdsrett (7 stp.), miljørett (5 stp.) og EØS-rett (5 stp.) samt en semesteroppgave. Alminnelig forvaltningsrett gir en oversikt ...
This course offers a broad introduction to information systems theories. In lectures and seminars these theories are used to discuss and analyse information systems practices in organizations, such as ...
22 timer forelesning 46 timer laboratorieøvelser (obligatorisk) 13 laboratorieforelesninger av 2 timer (obligatorisk) 3 seminarer av 2 timer Obligatorisk deltakelse i undervisningen må være ...
Emnet gir en bred innføring i Russlands historie fra middelalderen og frem til Sovjetunionens oppløsning, med hovedvekt på politisk og sosial historie. Viktige temaer er geografi og klima som ...
The course introduces students to several legal aspects of the EU action on the global stage, as envisaged in EU primary law, and as interpreted by the European Court of Justice. It envisages the ...
Computer vision is the study of how a machine, such as an unmanned system, can interpret and understand its surrounding environment using visual data such as images and video. This course will give an ...
2 timer forelesning og 3 timer sammenhengende gruppeundervisning per uke. Det kreves innlevering av obligatoriske oppgaver som må være godkjente for å kunne gå opp til eksamen. Les mer om krav til ...
Classic approaches in data analysis are based on a static (or predefined) procedure for both collecting and processing data. Modern approaches deal with the adaptive procedures which in practice ...
Ultrasound imaging is a technique used in medicine, sonar, non-destructive testing, and beyond. This course explains the fundamentals of acoustic imaging, beamforming, and ultrasound imaging modes.
This course provides an introduction to different astrophysical subjects with focus on the underlying physical processes, solving problems numerically and data analysis. Some examples include orbital ...
In this course you will learn about the relationships between different calculation models, formal languages, their limitations and complexity. The special admission requirements may also be covered ...
The course introduces the main kinds of sensors and the physical principles behind different sensing mechanisms, data handling, practical aspects of measuring and ...