TEL AVIV, Israel — A new study from Tel Aviv University (TAU) has revealed that the Oriental hornet is the only animal in ...
As the World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and New York Yankees is upon us, I was surprised to learn that no active ...
Marcuse was born into an assimilated Jewish family. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, he emigrated to Switzerland and ...
Virtually every Jew—regardless of age—has heard of Elijah, whose presence inspired the “Cup of Elijah” ritual seen at every ...
Courtesy of Wikipedia Jonas Salk (October 28, 1914 – June 23, 1995) was an American virologist and medical researcher who ...
I am disgusted by the rhetoric at the Trump rally in New York City's Madison Square Garden on Sunday and alarmed that such ...
Suddenly this year, in the midst of the war and tragedy that has befallen us, there was a beam of light. The Israel Barrocada ...
Upon ‍his ‍signing ‍with ‍the ‍Giants, ‍the ‍‍Sporting ‍News ‍ran ‍a ‍headline ‍saying ‍Giants ‍scout ‍“Dick ‍Kinsella ‍Finds ...
During hol hamoed it is customary to greet people with a joyous statement of celebration like chag sukkot sameach (happy ...
Comparing Trump—or any modern figure—to Hitler ignores the unique atrocities committed by Hitler, who orchestrated the ...
Courtesy of Wikipedia Simon Wolfson (October 27, 1967), is a British businessman and currently chief executive of the ...
Numerous international cottages of Balboa Park's House of Pacific Relations were shuttered Saturday, Oct. 26, as police and ...