In a new study, researchers examined four randomized controlled trials of belimumab (Benlysta®) to gain a better ...
I was diagnosed at the age of 13. My symptoms started with extreme hair loss and fatigue. At first my parents thought it was cancer. Living in Nigeria where there were limited rheumatologist made it ...
One day, your life shifts in a new direction. This direction was unwanted and it quite possibly brought a frailty to your once firm footing. Your child, brother, mother or another loved one was ...
In some people that are photosensitive, UV light from sunlight and indoor light sources can trigger a lupus flare. In addition to sunlight, ultraviolet rays are also given off by several different ...
El lupus puede ser impredecible y es posible que deba tomar medidas inmediatas si un brote u otra complicación de salud crítica pone en peligro la salud de su ser querido. Una carpeta dividida en ...