Hosted by IUCN and the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, in collaboration with the International Ranger Federation, Conservation Allies, Universal Ranger Support Alliance, and IUCN-US, the ...
The PCC is responsible for advising and assisting on the overall prioritisation and programme oversight within the SSC to deliver on its plant conservation responsibilities. The PCC works to support .
It is a global network of experts who, working in their own regions and institutions, all contribute to the conservation of globally threatened trees. The aims of the GTSG are: To conserve tree ... In ...
This report gives an overview of the status of Mediterranean cetaceans (whales and dolphins), informed by IUCN Red List assessments undertaken between 2018 and 2022. Compared to the first review by ...
Note: at its 89th Meeting, the Bureau did not take decisions requiring validation by Council under Regulation 58 (October 2020) During its 101 st meeting, the IUCN Council continued the discussion ...
The grasslands of the Northern Hemisphere form one of the largest terrestrial biomes. Spread over plains and mountains, they provide habitat for many plants and animals, and support key ecosystem ...
The threatened species categories used in Red Data Books and Red Lists have been in place for almost 30 years. The Red Data Book categories provide an easily and widely understood method for ...
Issues of women’s participation and gender equality in the governance of shared waters have received insufficient attention to date in both the research and practice literature, yet action is ...
Bryophytes are small, inconspicuous plants of hidden but amazing beauty and with unique life - history traits that differ from all other terrestrial plants on earth. Evolving from aquatic ancestors ..
This European Red List provides an updated summary of the conservation status of the European species of dragonflies and damselflies, evaluated according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria ...
The available scientific literature agrees on the key impacts of offshore wind: i) risk of collision mortality; ii) displacement due to disturbance (including noise impacts); iii) barrier effects ...