Security flaws, or back doors? I wouldn't use one of their routers (I prefer a PC-based solution like pfSense), but my switches (aside from the specialist ones) are all TP-Link and I used their ...
Attempting to port my number from FullFlavour to Kogan mobile. In the drop down of providers, there isn't a selection for Full Flavour. I chose Spark, but the port failed.
My SKY landline is connected to the ONT. Is it normal for it to give several beeps before connecting a call? My Orcon linked phone didn't do that. Yes, I did try to ask SKY but gave up after an hour.
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6 drives - 3x8TB, 3x10TB = 40TB Volume1 (SHR), the only storage pool. This value (20%) is configurable somewhere from memory and must be defaulting to 20% to give you an early warning. You should be ...
I'm looking at my general cost of living in New Zealand. How is your cost of living in New Zealand? My pay has gone up 0%. My property rates have gone up 9%. It's expensive but I have what I need ...
Found this in our front garden when trying to plant a tree. I'm guessing its some kind of connector for a broadband connection, but what kind? Fibre, Cable, DSL ? We've had all kinds over the years.
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