Fire danger is high in many areas because of hot, dry weather. Most of the state is still in a drought. Burn bans are in place across Washington. Check with your local fire district before lighting ...
NORPAC makes newsprint, printing, and specialty papers out of thermomechanical pulp, deinked pulp from recycled newsprint, and bleached kraft pulp from the Nippon Dynawave pulp and paper mill. It ...
Working for Ecology offers great benefits — health care, retirement, vacation. But the biggest benefit of all is knowing that your work is helping create a cleaner, healthier, more beautiful state for ...
Businesses in Washington can take advantage of our services to help them apply pollution prevention (P2) best practices, such as the following: Reduce waste and pollution. Reduce costs and save money ...
As a subset of commercial enterprises, mobile businesses have unique challenges related to stormwater and pollution prevention that will be better understood by a focused study. In this project, King ...
Icicle Creek, a tributary to the Wenatchee River near Leavenworth in Chelan County, is a source of water for a variety of demands that sometimes go unmet. Streamflows support domestic water supply, ...
Sometimes called a "petition for review," an appeal is the legal challenge to a shoreline permit decision made by us or a local government. Shoreline permit appeals are made to the state Shorelines ...
We work to enhance Washington’s resilience to natural hazards in state coastal and shoreline areas. We pursue this mission through core activities designed to avoid or minimize the impacts natural ...
Each of us has the ability to reduce noise in our community by being aware of the noise we make as residents, workers, or as businesses. Noise pollution is regulated by local governments. We do not ...
The Department of Health recommends private well owners test their drinking water every year for coliform bacteria and nitrate. These two contaminates can rapidly affect a person’s health — possibly ...
Governmental agencies use the SEPA environmental checklist to help determine whether a proposal will have significant adverse environmental impacts. The information helps identify what measures can be ...
When establishing cleanup levels for your contaminated site, use these guidance documents in combination with the CLARC data tables. CLARC — Cleanup Levels and Risk Calculation — is a compendium of ...