Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have offered competing plans—each distortionary in its own way.
Donald Trump’s appeal among working-class voters is neutralizing Democrats’ traditional advantage with unions.
The arrest of an illegal immigrant for the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley a few weeks before President Joe Biden’s 2024 State of the Union address ignited a political firestorm.
This month’s return of the Supreme Court after a long summer recess coincides with the Court’s reinsertion into national political debates amid a presidential election campaign. Though the new term ...
I used to think that the notion of a liberal fascism was absurd, a figment of a paranoid political imagination. Now I am not so sure. More than one person has been arrested in London for holding up a ...
On the day after police discovered the lifeless body of four-year-old Jahmeik Modlin on the floor of an apartment in Harlem, every pew in St. Patrick’s Cathedral was filled for a special Mass. Finding ...
Also,Alabama has less labor unions and has taken away steel jobs and other factory jobs from PA. A 2nd Trump term. PA ...
The mainstream media has recently trumpeted the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s estimate that violent crime fell 3 percent nationally from 2022 to 2023. They have largely ignored, however, the ...
Every nation has an operating ideology. In a country that hews faithfully to the principles embedded in its written constitution, that ideology is overt. In a tyrannical government, however, it is ...
Recently, in an idle moment, I stumbled on a superb piece by Joseph Epstein, “Joan Didion From the Couch,” which reminded me of how the engineering of reputations in the literary world often betrays ...