Donald Trump’s appeal among working-class voters is neutralizing Democrats’ traditional advantage with unions.
Four years of open borders and sanctuary policies have brought criminal drug networks, human trafficking, and an epidemic of ...
Also,Alabama has less labor unions and has taken away steel jobs and other factory jobs from PA. A 2nd Trump term. PA ...
Recently, in an idle moment, I stumbled on a superb piece by Joseph Epstein, “Joan Didion From the Couch,” which reminded me of how the engineering of reputations in the literary world often betrays ...
The mainstream media has recently trumpeted the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s estimate that violent crime fell 3 percent nationally from 2022 to 2023. They have largely ignored, however, the ...
The Treasury Department is ground zero for the Biden administration’s “whole-of-government” DEI agenda. The agency, which serves as the guardian of the American financial system, has translated ...
The popular website Reddit is home to thousands of message-board communities, on which users discuss everything from TV shows to sports teams to science and technology. But Reddit also hosts a ...
A few years before the Covid pandemic, the Irish state television network (RTÉ) asked me to appear in a documentary about the sudden increase of transsexualism in the Western world. Why me, I asked? I ...
Going to Patchogue, by Thomas McGonigle (Tough Poets Press, 260 pp., $26.46) A novel as complex as Patchogue, of course, is anything but straightforward. Essentially unclassifiable, it is part novel, ...
Rising social disorder in a post-Covid, defund-the-police America has forced cities and states to address new kinds of criminal outbreaks—from mass retail theft to squatting. Authorities have ...