Since its establishment in 2009 by Robert and Laurie Fraser-Scott, this business has grown very rapidly, although details of its production are not available. Having originally relied on contract ...
Vigena Wines is principally an export business. In recent years the vineyard has been revitalised, with one significant change: chardonnay has been grafted to shiraz, giving the business a 100% red ...
Wendy and Ezio Minutello began the establishment of the vineyard at 550m on Mt Beauty in 1989, planted to pinot noir, chardonnay, pinot gris and merlot. Finally, in 1999, the first wines were released ...
Jean-Paul Trijsburg graduated with an agronomy degree from the Wageningen University in the Netherlands and followed this with a joint MSc in viticulture and oenology in Montpellier, France and ...
Treasury Wine Estates (TWE), the renamed wine division of Foster’s Group Limited, was fully separated from Foster’s via a separate listing on the Australian Securities Exchange in May 2011. It has the ...
Lilac Hill Estate is part of the renaissance that is sweeping the Swan Valley. Just when it seemed it would die a lingering death, supported only by Houghton, Sandalford and the remnants of the once ...
Melbourne-based business partners and friends, Oliver and Brooke Smith, Paul and Tanya Smith and Charlie and Hayley Blomley bought Waratah Hills cellar door in Aug ’20. Oliver's brother Ben lives on ...
Carpe Vinum is the venture of Malcolm and Henry Skene. In 2011 Malcolm returned from many years overseas of postgraduate studies and then work in Europe (and the UK), while Henry had been building his ...
Peter and Glenys Dixon hastened slowly with Henty Estate. In 1991 they began the planting of 4.5ha of shiraz, 1ha each of cabernet sauvignon and chardonnay, and 0.5ha of riesling. In their words, ‘we ...
Mon Tout (‘my everything' in French) is the venture of second-generation vigneron Richard Burch, son of Jeff and Amy Burch of Howard Park. The wines are crafted from small parcels of hand-picked fruit ...
Fox Creek has a winemaking history that dates back to '84 when Helen and Dr Jim Watts purchased a 32ha property in McLaren Vale. The winery has been upgraded to handle the expanded production of Fox ...
Phil and Susan Moore purchased a property on the northwest-facing slopes of Mt Frome, at an elevation of 550m, in 1995. The site has reddish-brown clay with limestone, quartz and ironstone gibber soil ...