The UNDRIP Act has yet to transform Canadian law. Those who have gone to court over violations have encountered lacklustre ...
“As more of these miscarriages of justice come to light, it’s going to lead to legal reform, to systemic reform. It’s going ...
Humanity’s capacity for creativity has long been seen as one of our defining traits, setting us apart from the rest of creation. Creativity in writing has deep roots, dating back to when humans etched ...
Although client surveys are common in other industries, many law firms don’t seek out feedback. However, a formal process for gathering it can help enhance client relationships. At Cassels Brock & ...
Bien que les sondages auprès des clients soient courants dans d’autres secteurs, de nombreux cabinets juridiques ne recherchent pas de rétroaction. Cependant, un processus formel de collecte de ces ...