What I enjoyed most was the way the TRX exercises recruited my chest and back muscles, providing a fresh take on strength training compared to the dumbbell and barbell moves I’m familiar with.
Having a plan to do everything you want is critical to finding that efficient sweet spot between your efforts and your time.
To get a full-body workout with equipment that takes up minimal space, can be stowed away after use, and allows you to work out anywhere and anytime, look no further than TRX's All-in-One ...
The best suspension trainer set is the TRX Training Pro 3 Suspension Training Kit. It’s hard to do better than the original, ...
The TRX system, otherwise known as Total Resistance Exercises, is a specialized fitness tool and a form of suspension training. Former U.S. Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick originally designed the TRX ...
When starting an exercise regimen, many people become confused about what to do. A random approach will create random ...
TRX has released new tools, education and content to show how its products can be used in injury-recovery. Its suite of ...
Experts say that jumping on a trampoline can benefit one's physical and mental health greatly so here's how you can do it ...