WhatsApp has announced four improvements to the app, including making it faster and easier for you to react to ...
WhatsApp has rolled out new features including camera effects, selfie stickers, and quick reactions to enhance the chat ...
WhatsApp is rolling out features like camera effects, selfie stickers, sticker sharing and double tap to react for everyone ...
As part of the new update, WhatsApp users can now simply double tap on a message to bring up the reaction bar.
It's faster, and there are more new features too. WhatsApp is celebrating the new year by launching a few new features which ...
January 13 is known as National Sticker Day and if you grew up through the '90s, chances are, that a walk down memory lane ...
With its latest update, WhatsApp wants to make your messages more fun with new camera effects and quick reactions.
For those who love custom stickers, the app has introduced selfie stickers. Users can now take a selfie and instantly turn it ...
We’re kicking off the new year with new features and design updates that make WhatsApp more fun and easier to use.
WhatsApp says the new features will be rolling out from today on both iPhone and Android so make sure you app is up to date ...
A free-range buck so big that a family devoted their entire season to hunting him.
Bok choy is steamed with ginger, garlic, and soy sauce for a light, flavorful vegetable side dish that promises to perk up ...