Sonic the Hedgehog 3" introduces a powerful addition to the colorful bunch — Shadow the Hedgehog (Keanu Reeves). The film focuses on Shadow’s backstory and sudden awakening after a 50-year stasis.
This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, Jean-Karlo can be found playing JRPGs, eating popcorn, watching v-tubers, and ...
A total of nine Sonic games have been released for Nintendo Switch. This spans the first year of the system back in 2017 to the most recent game, Sonic x Shadows, released in October 2024. Keep in ...
At the Sac Gamers Expo 2024 during a December 15 panel with David Humphrey (the voice of Shadow) and Ryan Drummond (the voice ...
The Sonic movies feature some amazing characters who are constantly producing hilarious and poignant moments with their unforgettable quotes.
For a long time since the release of “Super Mario Bros.” in 1993, video game movies were usually flops. However, in the new era of computer-generated imagery and animation, things have changed. Maybe ...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has some fun and stylish credits, and now the person that made them has shared how they did it.
The second sequence showed Shadow the Hedgehog returning to Earth having seemingly survived his act of self-sacrifice when ...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024) is an action-packed adventure-comedy film based on the beloved video game franchise. Directed by ...
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 takes the Blue Blur's story forward as he faces a formidable enemy in the form of Shadow the Hedgehog.
There are action sequences, plenty of clever puns (Gromit reads “Virginia Woof”), and sweet messages about real human (or animal) connection and work being more satisfying than any “smart” device.
Rory McCann, best known for playing The Hound in HBO's Game of Thrones, has been cast in Season 2 of Disney+'s Ahsoka.