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Spain's Miguel Angel Jimenez, a three-time champion of the Mitsubishi Electric Championship at Hualalai, rolled in a long eagle putt and wound up tied for the lead after the event's first round on ...
Jimenez only appeared in two games with San Francisco, allowing one run and walking three in 1 1/3 innings, giving him a 6.75 ERA. Jiménez was selected by the A's in the Rule 5 Draft the ...
FILE - Puerto Rican Jose “Cha Cha” Jimenez, left, founder of the Young Lords in Chicago-area Puerto Rican group, attends a news conference led by Bobby Rush, deputy defense minister of the ...
Born on Aug. 8, 1940, in Barrio San Salvador, Caguas, Puerto Rico, Jimenez later grew up on Chicago’s North Side in La Clark, one of the city’s first Puerto Rican neighborhoods. Jiménez ...
José “Cha Cha” Jiménez, a prominent civil rights and liberation movement figure and founder of the Young Lords in Chicago and co-founder of the Rainbow Coalition has died. He was 76.