The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has long been the launchpad for tech marvels and misfires. From game-changing innovations like the Atari Pong and Oculus Rift to flops like 3D TVs and HD-DVD, CES ...
First, check the settings on your Panasonic DP-UB820 Blu-ray Player. Access the settings menu, navigate to the “3D Settings” ...
Sony, one of the biggest proponents of the Blu-ray format, announced that it is ending production of all Blu-ray disc media.
Sony recently announced plans to end Blu-ray media production in February, delivering yet another heavy blow to the future of ...
Sony says it will stop manufacturing blank Blu-ray discs for the Japanese market along with MiniDiscs and MiniDV cassettes ...
Sony has announced that as of February 2025, it’s no longer going to manufacture four types of recordable media: Blu-ray Disc ...
We’ve also seen brands and retailers exit the 4K Blu-ray market, whether it’s selling discs or players. In two of the major news stories for 4K Blu-ray, Best Buy decided to stop stocking 4K ...
The best 4K Blu-ray players deliver the ultimate picture quality for watching movies and TV series at home. Although streaming services are popular, Blu-rays deliver video at a higher bitrate ...
Sony may have quit the recordable Blu-ray business, but reports of the format's demise have been greatly exaggerated.
"Nosferatu"—the hit vampire thriller starring Bill Skarsgård and Lily-Rose Depp—is getting an extended cut with several bonus ...
Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2 released on 4K Blu-ray alongside Jackie Brown on January 21.
While streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ present quick and convenient ways to indulge in your favorite films, a 4K Blu-ray player is still one of the best ways to watch movies.