Polysomnography acquisition and analysis. Polysomnography was recorded with a Synamp (Neuroscan, NeuroSoft, Sterling, Virginia), at 500 Hz, with a bandwidth 0.15 to 100 Hz and A 1 as reference.
Neuren’s partner Acadia Pharmaceuticals submits marketing authorisation application in Europe for trofinetide for treatment of Rett syndrome Compumedics achieves a record $32.8m in sales orders ...
Compumedics said its growth continues to accelerate in its target market of the US, where sales orders taken for H1 FY25 were 208% higher than the same time last year with its sleep and Neuroscan ...
Continuous data were digitized using a sampling rate of 500 Hz (SynAmps RT amplifiers; Compumedics Neuroscan) and an online passband of DC-200 Hz. Electrodes placed on the outer canthi of the eyes and ...
Rhythmic visual cues can affect the allocation of cognitive resources during gait initiation (GI) and motor preparation. However, it is unclear how the input of rhythmic visual information modulates ...