Former Borussia Dortmund defender Robert Kovac, who has worked with brother Niko as his assistant in the last three positions, is expected to replace Lukasz Piszczek who departed with Sahin.
Former Borussia Dortmund defender Robert Kovac, who has worked with brother Niko as his assistant in the last three positions, is expected to replace Lukasz Piszczek who departed with Sahin. U19 coach ...
The UCL Anthropology BSc combines evolutionary and environmental anthropology, social anthropology, material culture and medical anthropology to give you a truly broad-based anthropology degree. You ...
This programme is offered as a three-year BSc or a four-year MSci degree. The first two years of the programme are identical, and students are advised to apply for the MSci degree in the first ...
Our Geography BSc combines physical and human geography, addressing urgent global issues including climate change, migration, geopolitics and urban development. You will benefit from field trips, a ...
The BSc Sociology blends local and global sociological perspectives to examine contemporary social issues and transformations, ranging from environmental risks and climate change, to the ...
This BSc combines a broad-based training in mathematics with highly practical modules from the UCL School of Management, which will be of direct use to those seeking a career in management. No ...
For more information see: The Archaeology BA and BSc share many of the same core modules in first and second year. In the second year BSc students will study a core module in ...
Łukasz Piszczek niedawno opuścił Borussię Dortmund. Byłego piłkarza łączono z rolą asystenta w sztabie reprezentacji Polski. Głos w tej sprawie zabrał Michał Probierz w rozmowie z portalem WP ...
Po powrocie z Włoch z dziennikarzami spotkał się dyrektor Borussii Ricken, który poinformował, że z klubu odchodzi nie tylko Sahin, ale i jego asystent Piszczek. Obaj pracowali z pierwszą drużyną od ...
Łukasz Piszczek tylko pół roku roku pracował w Borussii Dortmund w roli asystenta pierwszego trenera. W środę Nuri Sahin został zwolniony z zajmowanej funkcji, a Polak odszedł z klubu ...