Sambhal: The court commissioner on Thursday submitted in the Chandausi court a detailed survey report on Sambhal's Jama Masjid. The report, which includes videography from all angles, was compiled ...
Sambhal: While the political showdown over Sambhal's Shahi Jama Masjid survey rages on, the commissioner submitted the survey report of the mosque in Chandausi Court on Thursday. The confidential ...
Sambhal (UP), Jan 2 (PTI) The court commissioner on Thursday submitted in the Chandausi court a detailed survey report on Sambhal’s Jama Masjid. The report, which includes videography from all angles, ...
A detailed survey report on Sambhal's Jama Masjid has been submitted to the Chandausi court by Court Commissioner Ramesh Singh Raghav. Conducted on November 19 and 24, the survey includes ...
A confidential survey report on the Sambhal Jama Masjid has been submitted to a UP court. The report includes photos from a November survey and features claims from the Hindu community about the ...
Tensions in Sambhal have been high since November 19, when a local court ordered a survey of the mosque. Clashes between protestors and police over the court-ordered survey of the Jama Masjid ...
CM hails from Ujjain, should first ban liquor there..., says Congress' Jitu Patwari over MP govt plans to ban liquor in religious cities ...
The report, which is believed to run into 40 to 45 pages, has been submitted in a sealed envelope in accordance with the directives of the Supreme Court.
A confidential survey report on the Sambhal Jama Masjid has been submitted to a UP court. The report includes photos from a November survey and features claims from the Hindu community about the ...