The isotope helium-3 is to be used in nuclear fusion and in quantum computers. The US company Interlune wants to mine it on ...
The experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST) fusion energy reactor set a new record at Hefei, capital of east ...
Helium is sourced as a byproduct of natural gas, which is produced naturally through the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium. It is mostly found and commercially produced from gas deposits in the ...
Researchers from the University of the Philippines have challenged the conventional understanding of how phase transitions occur in open systems, where the environment plays a significant role. Their ...
THE abnormally high heat conductivity of helium II below the λ-point, as first observed by Keesom, suggested to me the possibility of an explanation in terms of convection currents. This ...
China National Nuclear Corporation’s (CNNC) first-ever commercial reactor for the production of isotopes has officially opened. Called the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base plant, it has already ...
Magna Petra has developed a technology to extract helium 3 from lunar soil that “promises energy efficient isotope extraction and collection with minimal impact to the lunar surface.” ...
Magna Petra has developed a technology to extract helium 3 from lunar soil that “promises energy efficient isotope extraction and collection with minimal impact to the lunar surface.” The announcement ...
New Era Helium, Inc. (“NEH,” “New Era Helium” or the “Company”), an exploration and production company sourcing helium produced in association with the production of natural gas ...