Among the smallest owl species in North America, the saw-whet is the size of a smartphone topped with a pingpong ball. With a ...
In the Inland Northwest, tiny owls with large, cartoonish yellow eyes manage to be everywhere ... Not only are saw-whet owls preyed upon by great-horned owls, hawks and falcons, but songbirds ...
Bird flu is at a dangerous point in the United States: Nearly 167 million birds have been impacted by the H5N1 strain since 2022, and 70 people have been infected. Now, birds are flying our way for ...
Sooty grouse are very vocal at this time of year but are found at mid-elevations requiring a trip up a logging road. Listen ...
Find out where snowy owls live, what they eat, how to spot a snowy owl, and see pictures of what the baby owls look like.
The vernal equinox is when the amount of daylight equals the amount of darkness and is also the first day of spring. As we have seen earlier this month, the first day of spring does not mean the first ...
Washington state needs lithium to meet the demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy. But mines add to a legacy of ...
The Great Horned Owl makes a distinctive call of three hoots ... By mid-summer, the babies have left the nest, but parents continue to keep an eye on their offspring for three months.
The Harrison County Sheriff's Office located and arrested Roger De Le Cruz on Interstate 10 near Gulfport. This week brings ...