Helmed by Tokyo-born chef Kiyokuni “Kiyo” Ikeda, Komo pays tribute to time-honored techniques with a Maui twist.
A bluefin tuna equal to the size and weight of a standard motorcycle was sold to sushi restauranteurs in Tokyo for a whopping 207 million yen — roughly $1.3 million. The sale took place at the ...
It was paid by self-styled Japanese "Tuna King" and sushi restaurant owner Kiyoshi Kimura. Toyosu fish market claims to be the biggest fish market in the world, and is known for pre-dawn daily ...
It was Christmas, but a diner did not have a merry time at Genki Sushi recently. Stomper Someone visited the sushi chain's Hillion Mall outlet on Dec 25 and was left disappointed by its food quality ...
The buzz around Nintendo Switch 2 continues to grow, and now Genki, a renowned video game accessory maker funded through Kickstarter, has promised to reveal insights about the highly anticipated ...
The fourth NYC location of Mamoun’s Falafel is opening on the Upper East Side, at 1107 Lexington Avenue, at East 78th Street. The original location opened in Greenwich Village in 1971 and has ...
Look no further; Nuri Sushi’s menu will have you spoilt for choice! From their signature prawn tempura rolls to affordable seafood combos and mouth-watering salads and desserts, the restaurant has ...