Unlike Dragonborn, Sorcerers under the Draconic ... it can be hard to understand exactly what goes into making the best BG3 Sorcerer build – and why. Knowing what to do to make a BG3 Sorcerer ...
Of the new subclasses in Baldur's Gate 3, the Shadow Magic Sorcerer's signature feature can heavily enhance a popular multiclass with another caster.
The Elixir of Dragonborn Prowess: Frost is a Rare Elixir found in Baldur's Gate 3. One of Blood Vendor Araj Oblodra's Elixirs, distilled from a specific sanguine quality, and with properties ...
Bonus Action Advantage on Intimidation and Persuasion Checks. Resistance to Lightning damage. Can cast Lightning Bolt once until next Long Rest One of Blood Vendor Araj Oblodra's Elixirs ...