A sperm whale stranded on Cuttyhunk Island over the weekend, adding to alarming whale death toll since December. Here's what ...
“A beautiful (minke) whale was spotted near Bundeena Wharf today, giving passengers on the Cronulla Ferries an unforgettable experience,” the company said on Facebook. “These majestic creatures are ...
"I saw my first blue whale and just about every year since ... Even after decades of protections, six of the 13 great whale species are still classified as endangered or vulnerable.
Fewer vessels will be required to reduce their speed, which is likely to contribute to the extinction of the North Atlantic right whale, a species that is vulnerable to extinction and classified ...
There are many other large whales, including blue, fin, sei ... How long can these other whale species live? Industrial whaling, which ended only in the 1960s, removed old whales from the world ...
A humpback whale has been spotted off the Kent coast, sparking excitement for a conservation charity. A wildlife watcher ...
Koala and Curlew are unrelated and possibly pregnant females that have become traveling companions, which is unusual for right whales.