Although Tim Moore will forever be known as "The Kingfish" in the pioneering series The Amos 'n Andy Show (1951), he was actually far better known for his career on the stage and as a comedian in ...
Explore the top 10 black sitcoms, featuring iconic characters and real-life issues, all rated highly by audiences.
Playbill courtesy of British Library. The African American actor Ira Aldridge was born in New York City and came to Britain as a teenager to pursue a career on the stage. Zoë Wilcox He first ...
Born in Mount Vernon, New York in 1954, the veteran African American actor is one of the great performers of the last few decades. His versatility has led him to take on roles of all types and in ...
An ebullient, versatile African-American actor and musical performer, Carson appeared in a variety of stage roles in his native Chicago (e.g., featured singer and dancer in "Project"), toured ...
You never know - you might find evidence of Shakespeare’s footsteps close to home… The African American actor Ira Aldridge was born in New York City and came to Britain as a teenager to pursue ...
Bishop Stevens is an award winning African American actor. Stevens started his entertainment career as pro-wrestler for WCW-WWF(WWE). As a wrestler Stevens trained with the legendary 8 time World ...
Television’s abysmal track record in featuring African-American actors and actresses became painfully clear to the actress on the very first day of production on “Julia” in 1968 when the ...
Richard Lawson is a prolific African American actor whose career has transcended stereotypical casting. Born in Loma Linda, California, Lawson served in the Army for a tour of Vietnam, returning ...