Despite Borneo Redline Halfbeak (H. tenagh) not giving birth to live young, it has been observed that the eggs laid by the ...
Fish Treatment Ltd in collaboration with Mainstream Fisheries Ltd have been involved in the development of unique eDNA ...
Here you'll find the largest global resource for aquarium enthusiasts and fishkeeping know-how. Access Practical Fishkeeping, Masterclass, Fish and others all in one place. Would you like to get your ...
Fishkeepers the world over struck gold with the introduction of the small colourful rock dwelling cichlids from East Africa’s Lake Malawi. The mbuna as they are known (pronounced mmm-boon-a or mu-boon ...
Matt Clarke answers some of the most common questions on choosing an aquarium filter. Why do I need a filter? A filter is essential for removing wastes produced by fish. Without one, the water would ...
Emma Turner spotlights a remarkable air-breathing loach that can survive for several hours out of water and, by its body actions, also predict storms. The Weather loach may not be the most flamboyant ...
A) NEALE MONKS REPLIES: Quite a lot of human food is perfectly safe to use when feeding your fish. White fish fillet is good, particularly Tilapia, cod and coley, but avoid oily fish as that tends to ...
Salt has been scientifically proven to have a number of benefits. Matt Clarke scours the journals and speaks to industry experts for the latest on the subject. Many people are very anti-salt. Why is ...
Many new hobbyists have problems keeping plants in their tanks because they've been sold non-aquatic ones. Jeremy Gay explains more. I can travel the length and breadth of the country and bet that ...
When Takashi Amano introduced the Yamato numa shrimp to his planted tanks in the early 1990s, he revolutionised natural algae control. This see-through, unassuming freshwater shrimp eats algae ...
Are you keeping an illegal crayfish? If you are, you risk a visit from the authorities to have your livestock confiscated. As a retailer, if you’re caught with the wrong species, you could lose your ...