"I doubt anyone can find a better scooter for the price in terms of quality, accessories, and miles per charge." ...
EIN Presswire's priority is author transparency. We do our best to weed out false and misleading content. The content above is the sole responsibility of the author who makes it available. If you have ...
The problem? I’m on a tight budget and can’t afford to buy an electric scooter or the expensive parts to build one. But after some street scavenging with friends and dismantling anything I can ...
[Alexandre Chappel] found himself in just such a position, so elected to quickly whip up a scooter to get around on. The build is very much of the “parts laying around the shop” genre.
[Made By Madman] breaks down a hoverboard for parts to make an incredible custom electric scooter. The first step after breaking things down for parts was to break the wheel hub motors. He pulled ...
Electric scooters are the ultimate commuter hack. For zipping to the office, running errands, or just cruising to enjoy the cityscape, electric scooters are a sleek, efficient, and environmentally ...