The mild stretch continues on the last full day of winter Wednesday, though temperatures will fall later in the week for the ...
"The East Coast and much of the western U.S. have had below-average precipitation during the winter months, resulting in a low threat of significant spring flooding. However, heavy rainfall at any ...
To this day, the flood stage at 35 feet holds a spot in the record book for the highest level the Merrimack River has ever reached.
SPRING IS HERE. The snow up north is softer — and so are the prices of next year's season passes, along with new and used ski and snowboard equipment that retailers want to move off the floor. Snow ...
Zoey Knox is NHPR's newsroom engagement producer. Prior to joining NHPR, she held a programming internship at Radio Milwaukee ...
Black Mountain Sugarhouse welcomed visitors during last weekend's New Hampshire Maple Weekend. Maine Maple Weekend takes ...
which has been fine for winter sports but done nothing to help the state’s drought. The National Weather Service in Gray, Maine, which covers New Hampshire, says the average temperature at Concord ...
We discover programs that work to eliminate social and economic obstacles to enjoying the outdoors ...
Winter weather-related warnings were in place for six states from the National Weather Service (NWS) early on Thursday, with up to 10 inches of snow forecast for some parts of the country. Freezing ...