Life on Mars is a dream long held – and not just for David Bowie. The idea of settling on the Red Planet has been around for ...
Thousands of mounds and hills in Mars' barren northern plains are full of clay minerals, providing evidence that the rocks ...
A NASA satellite has spotted frozen "kidney beans" on Mars' sand dunes trapped in place until springtime. Photographing them ...
Formations that look like jumbo-sized kidney beans (or blobs of chocolate syrup, depending on your palette) may be indicators ...
Almost all water that exists on Mars now is ice ... A wider view of the Gale crater reveals how much Mars looks like Earth. The highest peak in the background is known as Mount Sharp at five ...
and then consider the different ways to look for water on Mars. Like Earth, Mars formed about 4.5 billion years ago. The history of Mars has four geological periods. These are the Amazonian (from ...
Scientists suspected Mars had long ago been radically different than the freezing desert it is today: Orbital images had shown what looked like networks of water-carved channels. But before Spirit ...