However, as we see Jesus enter Jerusalem ... a grand entrance into the city on a donkey to fulfil the prophesy of Zechariah, “Tell the city of Zion, Look, your king is coming to you!
Jerusalem was all astir with the news about the exceedingly great miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus the four-days-dead by the Lord Jesus Christ. They needed to greet with glory this Miracle ...
Palm Sunday celebrates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey and being regaled with praise by the masses. To call it that, though, demands that we know how the story ends.
The Chosen Season 5 will be released in three parts between March and April 2025. Specifically: Don’t worry if you can’t go ...
However, as we see Jesus enter Jerusalem ... a grand entrance into the city on a donkey to fulfil the prophesy of Zechariah, “Tell the city of Zion, Look, your king is coming to you!