The damage left by these policies was so severe that these children went down in history as The Stolen Generations. Note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this ...
Tuesday marks 16 years since Mr Rudd delivered a motion in parliament offering an apology on behalf of the nation: "For the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants ...
During the Stolen Generations it's estimated between one and three in every ten Indigenous children were removed from their families. Advocates in South Australia say the number of children being ...
These children became known as the Stolen Generations. Evidence of the historical and ongoing impacts were extensively documented in a landmark report tabled in parliament in 1997 called Bringing ...
Commenting on the impact of Bringing Them Home — which documented evidence about the Stolen Generations of Aboriginal children — Murri elder Sam Watson told Green Left that “it is beyond dispute that ...
It’s 25 years since then-premier Bob Carr apologised to the Stolen Generations on behalf of the NSW government, with the bipartisan support of then-opposition leader Peter Collins. Ms Peeters ...