Carl Jung is a respected voice in the psychiatry and psychotherapy world. The Swiss author, thinker, and philosopher is characterised by his beliefs in the sum of an individual's lived moments ...
That’s how you’ll feel when you read quotes from Carl Jung. He was a legendary Swiss psychiatrist and the founder of ...
Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist, popularised the terms introversion and extroversion (or ‘extraversion’ as he spelt it). The basic premise is that introverted people seek energy internally ...
Psychiatrist Carl Jung had a theory about the shadow self, in which we are challenged to confront "darker" versions of ourselves in order to grow. Meanwhile, Sigmund Freud believed there's an ...
Jungian therapy is the outgrowth of the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist active in the early 20th century. He was a friend and collaborator of Sigmund Freud, and Jung helped develop ...
In a 1935 lecture, Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung described how he understood ... Courtesy of Dr. Thomas Singer Thomas Singer, MD, psychiatrist and Jungian psychoanalyst, has spent years ...
Suffering from hysteria, Sabina Spielrein is hospitalized under the care of Dr. Carl Jung who ... eventually becoming a psychiatrist in her own right. The married Jung and Spielrein eventually ...
Meanwhile, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung said dreams were reflections of our mind and could reveal future life developments. Later on, sleep scientists Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley said dreams ...
People experience the world using four principal psychological functions—sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking—according to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, the founder of analytic ...