One day, a woman named Chiyome Hesogakure with a child named Chinzō visits the Nohara family and claims that she is the real mother of Shinnosuke and takes him away to a Ninja Village.
ONE NINJA MUST TRAIN TO SAVE THEIR WORLD The great Devourer has been defeated but Lord Garmadon is still at large and whats worse he now holds the four Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu and soon he ...
R ose Byrne is unsure whether she will return for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 2. The first Mutant Mayhem, ...
interesting movie that was made to sell toys and will surely mint a franchise of its own, qualifies as original. And this week sees the arrival of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem ...