This ancient sword found on an island in Denmark is incredibly well-preserved despite dating back to 1100 and 900 B.C.E.
All that’s known is that they are Medieval in ... News reported, the sword’s design is similar to “hand-and-a-half” weapons that were popular in Western Europe during the Late Middle ...
One can imagine that a sword large enough that it required two hands to swing about in battle could get rather tedious to lug around medieval-era Poland. As such, one could also understand some ...
Amateur detectorists found a cache of medieval weaponry near the village of Wielka Tymawa in Poland. They discovered a two-handed sword, or rather a hand-and-a-half sword, and two axe heads from ...
Members of a Cheyenne medieval weapons club aren’t just hobbyists, they seriously train with period-appropriate swords. “It’s about more than just ...
The glittering armor worn by medieval European knights was originally made to protect them from weapons such as swords. Live Science, a science news site, asked several experts whether such armor ...